SkYE is a £9.1 million, four-year investment under the UK government’s programme of assistance to promote economic growth and sustainable development in the East Caribbean.
The programme runs from March 2019 in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Lucia, Grenada and Dominica and is managed by Mott MacDonald in Kingstown.
SkYE programme components
The programme is intended to help improve the quality, reach and sustainability of technical and vocational education and training in the four focus countries. It comprises three components.

Component 1
Support for skills training
for growth
Funding will be provided to support training for young people in labour-market relevant areas, helping them improve their prospects and contribute to growth in their countries and region.

Component 2
Focused support and training for disadvantaged young people
SkYE will provide basic technical and life skills training, addressing literacy and numeracy gaps, for disadvantaged young men and women, including those with disabilities.

Component 3
Technical assistance to improve national training systems
SkYE will support targeted capacity-building and technical inputs to strengthen the national institutions and processes required to manage, certify and quality assure the delivery of skills training.