The Skills for Youth Employment in the Caribbean (SkYE) Programme assists four (4) Eastern Caribbean
countries (Saint Lucia, Dominica, St. Vincent and Grenada) to provide basic skills training (technical and life skills) for disadvantaged and ‘at-risk’ young people, as well as individuals with disabilities. The programme also provides support to strengthen capacity within the TVET system, for example by funding training for additional assessors and verifiers.

This Quality Assurance Review was commissioned by the SkYE project. The primary objective of the review  was to explore the best practices that are linked to assessment, external verification, validation and moderation across the four countries so that opportunities for improvement could be shared. The methodology for the review took into account the reality that all persons who are involved in the implementation of TVET assessment and validation processes contribute collectively to the quality of the assessment. It was therefore designed as a highly consultative process, with a large number of stakeholder interviews and observations of assessment and validation practices.

The QA review analysed both systems and established the pros and cons thereto in order to suggest ways to strengthen each assessment approach.